Pokémon Gold/Silver Editing Starters, Text, and Trainers. by Maximum Potion V.1.1 [Some typos fixed, and some information added, updated E-Mail adress. Jan 2010] Introduction: This document is meant to supplement Guiege's guide on hacking Pokémon GSC. It contains a few things that are missing from that document, which is an excellent document. Contents: [A] How do I edit the Starting Pokémon? [B] I'm editing the text, there are these symbols (* A1 A2 # =) mixed in, what are they? [C] I want to Edit the trainers, but I dont know where in the game a trainer will appear. [D] Credits [A] How do I edit the starting Pokémon? Ok, so first, you need a hex editor. Get Windhex, or any other really, but Windhex is good for editing text. Now, I assume you undertand hex. (00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 etc...) Use the search commands to find things. Every time a Pokémon is given to you, there will be 2D in front of it. The setup is 2D PKMN LVL, so Chikorita lvl 5 is 2D 98 05. Cyndaquil is at offset 001800F5 Totodile is at offset 00180137 Chikorita os at offset 00180173 An offset is like a location. You see all of those hex values in the left section of the editor? They correspond to those. Of you want to find other given Pokémon, like Evee, just hex search 2D PKMN LVL. Each Pokémon is it's number in hex. This table is taken directly from Giegue's guide. (Giegue, I tried to contact you but all the messages I send get returned) 01 - Bulbasaur 02 - Ivysaur 03 - Venusaur 04 - Charmander 05 - Charmeleon 06 - Charizard 07 - Squirtle 08 - Wartortle 09 - Blasttoise 0A - Caterpie 0B - Metapod 0C - Butterfree 0D - Weedle 0E - Kakuna 0F - Beedrill 10 - Pidgey 11 - Pidgeotto 12 - Pidgeot 13 - Rattata 14 - Raticate 15 - Spearow 16 - Fearow 17 - Ekans 18 - Arbok 19 - Pikachu 1A - Raichu 1B - Sandshrew 1C - Sandslash 1D - Nidoran (F) 1E - Nidorina 1F - Nidoqueen 20 - Nidoran male 21 - Nidorino 22 - Nidoking 23 - Clefairy 24 - Clefable 25 - Vulpix 26 - Ninetails 27 - Jigglypuff 28 - Wigglytuff 29 - Zubat 2A - Golbat 2B - Oddish 2C - Gloom 2D - Vileplume 2E - Paras 2F - Parasect 30 - Venonat 31 - Venomoth 32 - Diglett 33 - Dugtrio 34 - Meowth 35 - Persian 36 - Psyduck 37 - Golduck 38 - Mankey 39 - Primeape 3A - Growlithe 3B - Arcanine 3C - Poliwag 3D - Poliwhirl 3E - Poliwrath 3F - Abra 40 - Kadabra 41 - Alakazam 42 - Machop 43 - Machoke 44 - Machamp 45 - Bellsprout 46 - Weepinbell 47 - Victreebell 48 - Tentacool 49 - Tentacruel 4A - Geodude 4B - Graveler 4C - Golem 4D - Ponyta 4E - Rapidash 4F - Slowpoke 50 - Slowbro 51 - Magnemite 52 - Magneton 53 - Farfetch'd 54 - Doduo 55 - Dodrio 56 - Seel 57 - Dewgong 58 - Grimer 59 - Muk 5A - Shellder 5B - Cloyster 5C - Gastly 5D - Haunter 5E - Gengar 5F - Onix 60 - Drowzee 61 - Hypno 62 - Krabby 63 - Kingler 64 - Voltorb 65 - Electrode 66 - Exeggcute 67 - Exeggcutor 68 - Cubone 69 - Marowak 6A - Hitmonlee 6B - Hitmonchan 6C - Lickitung 6D - Koffing 6E - Weezing 6F - Rhyhorn 70 - Rhydon 71 - Chansey 72 - Tangela 73 - Kangaskhan 74 - Horsea 75 - Seadra 76 - Goldeen 77 - Seaking 78 - Staryu 79 - Starmie 7A - Mr. Mime 7B - Scyther 7C - Jynx 7D - Electabuzz 7E - Magmar 7F - Pinsir 80 - Tauros 81 - Magikarp 82 - Gyarados 83 - Lapras 84 - Ditto 85 - Eevee 86 - Vaporeon 87 - Jolteon 88 - Flareon 89 - Porygon 8A - Omanyte 8B - Omastar 8C - Kabuto 8D - Kabutops 8E - Aerodactyl 8F - Snorlax 90 - Articuno 91 - Zapdos 92 - Moltres 93 - Dratini 94 - Dragonair 95 - Dragonite 96 - Mewtwo 97 - Mew 98 - Chikorita 99 - Bayleef 9A - Meganium 9B - Cyndaquil 9C - Quilava 9D - Typhlosion 9E - Totodile 9F - Croconaw A0 - Feraligatr A1 - Sentret A2 - Furret A3 - Hoothoot A4 - Noctowl A5 - Ledyba A6 - Ledian A7 - Spinarak A8 - Ariados A9 - Crobat AA - Chinchou AB - Lanturn AC - Pichu AD - Cleffa AE - Igglybuff AF - Togepi B0 - Togetic B1 - Natu B2 - Xatu B3 - Mareep B4 - Flaaffy B5 - Ampharos B6 - Bellossom B7 - Marill B8 - Azumarill B9 - Sudowoodo BA - Politoed BB - Hoppip BC - Skiploom BD - Jumpluff BE - Aipom BF - Sunkern C0 - Sunflora C1 - Yanma C2 - Wooper C3 - Quagsire C4 - Espeon C5 - Umbreon C6 - Murkrow C7 - Slowking C8 - Misdreavus C9 - Unown CA - Wobbuffet CB - Girafarig CC - Pineco CD - Forretress CE - Dunsparce CF - Gligar D0 - Steelix D1 - Snubbull D2 - Granbull D3 - Qwilfish D4 - Scizor D5 - Shuckle D6 - Heracross D7 - Sneasel D8 - Teddiursa D9 - Ursaring DA - Slugma DB - Magcargo DC - Swinub DD - Piloswine DE - Corsola DF - Remoraid E0 - Octillery E1 - Delibird E2 - Mantine E3 - Skarmory E4 - Houndour E5 - Houndoom E6 - Kingdra E7 - Phanpy E8 - Donphan E9 - Porygon2 EA - Stantler EB - Smeargle EC - Tyrogue ED - Hitmontop EE - Smoochum EF - Elekid F0 - Magby F1 - Miltank F2 - Blissey F3 - Raikou F4 - Entei F5 - Suicune F6 - Larvitar F7 - Pupitar F8 - Tyranitar F9 - Lugia FA - Ho-oh FB - Celebi [B] I'm editing the text, there are these symbols (* A1 A2 # =) mixed in, what are they? First off, to edit the text, read Giegue's guide from Romhacking.net. Now you'll notice that in the text, there are these symbols. What are they? Well they are the code that makes the text box scroll, or make the text jump down a line. Basically... 4F or = Makes the text jump 1 line down, so that it doesn't bleed out of the text box. 51 or * Scrolls the text to a new page. 55 or # Indicates when the person is done talking. A trainer will have 3 areas of text: When they challenge you, when they lose, and when you talk to them afterwards. 52 or A1 Inserts the player's name. Be careful, as it takes up 7 spaces. If you try to fit in too many letters after it, it may bleed out of the text box. 53 or A2 is your Rival's name. 54 or PK inserts POKÉ 75 or . Is unknown, Just watch out when editing out a . for ! or ?. Make sure the . is E8 and NOT 75! D5 or . is an 't like in isn't or don't D3 or . is 'r like in you're D4 or . is 's like in it's or he's D2 or . is 'm like in I'm D1 or . is 'l like in I'll [C] I want to Edit the trainers, but I dont know where in the game a trainer will appear. If you want to edit the trainer's Pokémon, you'll notice that after you text search their names, you have no idea where in the game they appear. Basically you have to fight each one, and note their names. Their pokémon will always appear in order. You'll see for example: Laura 50 00 1C 2C 1F 11 1F B6 FF. The 50 00 varies, sometimes its 80 01, sometimes it's 50 01, but it doesn't matter. The point is that it's always there, don't touch it. Afterwards, the 1C 2C 1F 11 1F B6 is: level Pokémon level Pokémon level Pokémon. 1C is 28, and 2C is GLOOM. The FF afterwards just indicates that the data on that trainer is over. For Gym Leaders, the Elite Four, and for RED, there will be a bunch of extra code there. That is their moves and which Items will be used. Unfortunately I don't know what they mean, but I have copied some move sets for the following: -Fire Blast set: 35 11 A3 3F (Maybe has Flamethrower) -Blizzard set: F0 39 93 FA (I think this one also has Surf) -Solar beam set: F1 CA EB 4C -Thunder set: 56 62 55 57 -Hyper Beam set: 7E DB C8 3F (I got this off od Lance's Dragonite) As for Trainers in KANTO, I made a list of SOME, not ALL but SOME of the trainers in KANTO. It's basically all the trainers from the path you NEED to take, and not all the random extra ones in places you'll never go like the path betewwn Seafoam Island and Fuschia city. Starting from Vermillion, moving to Saffron, then to lavendet, to cerulean to Celadon, to Fuschia, to Pewter, to Cinnibar / Seafoam, to Viridian to Mt.Silver. I made this list for my Hack of Pokémon Silver (Pokémon White) when I toughened up KANTO. Seriously, what's with all the lvl 32 Pokémon!? Vermillion Gym Horton: 33 Electrode 33 Electrode 33 Electrode 33 Electrode Gregory: 37 Pikachu 33 Flaafy Vincent: 27 Magnemite 33 Voltorb 32 Magnemite Lt Surge: 44 Raichu 40 Electrode 40 Electrode 40 Magneton 46 Electabuzz Saffron Gym Rebecca: 35 Drowzee 3X Hypno Jared: 32 Mr.Mime 32 Execute 35 Execute Doris: 34 Slowpoke 36 Slowbro Sabrina: 46 Espeon 46 Mr.Mime 48 Alakazam Between Saffron and Lavender Dwayne: 27 Koffing 28 Koffing 29 Koffing 30 Koffing Harris: 34 Flareon Zeke: 32 Koffing 32 Koffing Sam: 34 Grimer 34 Muk Tom: 32 Magnemite 32 Magnemite 32 Magnemite Between Lavender and Rock Tunnel Jim: 35 Machamp Between Rock Tunnel and Cerulean Heidi: 32 Skiploom 32 Skiploon Sidney: 3X Dugtrio 32 Onix Dean: 33 Golduck 31 Sandslash Sid: 32 Dugtrio Edna: 30 Nidorina 34 Raichu New Nugget Bridge Dudley: 35 Oddish Ellen: 30 Wigglytuff 34 Granbull Joe: 33 Tangela 3X Vaporeon Laura: 28 Gloom 31 Pidgeotto 21 Bellossom Lloyd: 34 Nidoking Shannon: 29 Paras 29 Paras 32 Parasect Pat: 36 Porygon Kevin: 38 Ryhorn 35 Wartortle 35 Charmeleon Cerulean Gym Briana: 35 Seaking 35 Seking Parker: 32 Horsea 35 Seadra 32 Horsea Diana: 37 Golduck Misty: 42 Golduck 42 Quagsire 44 Lapras 47 Starmie Celadon Gym Jo+Zoe: 35 Victreebell 35 Vileplume Tanys: 37 Exeggutor Michelle: 3X Skiploom 34 Parasect 33 Hoppip Julia: 32 Paras 35 Parasect 32 Exeggute Erika: 42 Tangela 41 Jumpluff 46 Victreebell 46 Belossom Bike Path Riley: 34 Weezing Glenn: 28 Koffing 30 Magmar 32 Weezing Charles: 30 Koffing 30 Charmeleon 30 Weezing Bob: 34 Noctowl Fuschia Gym Cindy: 36 Nidoqueen Barry: 36 Nidoking Alice: 30 Gloom 34 Arbock 30 Gloom Linda: 30 Bulbasaur 34 Venusaur 32 Ivysaur Janine: 36 Crobat 33 Ariados 36 Weezing 36 Weezing 39 Venomoth Between Fuschia and Lavender? (I started before realising it was stupid) Tommy: 3X ______ 34 Alakazam Kipp: 27 Voltorb 31 Voltorb 27 Magnemite 31 Magneton Hillary: 32 Aipom 36 Cubone Billy: 27 Paras 27 Poliwhirl 35 Ditto 27 Paras Colette: 36 Clefairy Johnny: 29 Bellsprout 35 Fearow Carter: 29 Bulbasaur 29 Squirtle 29 Charmander Kenny 27 Sandslash 29 Graveller 31 Golem 29 Graveller ''Viridain Forest'' Ed: 30 Beedrill 30 Beedrill 30 Beedrill Pweter Gym Jerry: 37 Samdslash Brock: 41 Graveler 41 Rhyhorn 42 Omastar 42 Kabutops 44 Onix Route 1 Quinn: 38 Ivisaur 38 Starmie Pallett to Cinibar Nikki: 28 Seel 28 Seel 28 Dewgong 28 Seel Arnold: 34? Tentacruel Seth: 29 Quagsire 32 Quagsire 29 Octillery Seafoam Gym Blaine: 45 Magcargo 45 Magmar 50 Rapidash Viridian Gym Gary: 56 Pidgeot 54 Alakazam 56 Rhyhorn 58 Exeggutor 58 Gyarados 58 Arcanine Mt. Silver Ash: 81 Pikachu 73 Espeon 75 Snorlax 77 Venusaur 77 Charizard 77 Blastoise [D] Credits Guide by: Maximum Potion (Bottlerocket@Maximumpotion.com) Table taken frog Giegue's guide (Giegue, I tried to contact you but all the messages I send get returned) Copyright 2008 Maximum Potion